The anchor stands out in
the design because it is the symbol of salvation, its shape speaks of the
cross, our only hope, it is the cross which «sustains» the globe and in it the
world finds its security.Through the «inscrutable ways of wisdom» of Divine
Providence, the Sisters of St. Ann are associated with this work of salvation. In fact the monogram of the
Congregation (SSA) appears at the foot of the anchor and inside the
anchor: every Sister of St. Ann is called to be a sign of Providence for every
Mankind is enclosed in the world, stylized with blue lines, the typical colour of humanity.The colour of
the anchor/cross is warm:
the three tips are red and symbolize the Trinity. They go upwards like arrows directed towards one objective: the
happiness of man. The red colour of the tips (love) gradually becomes
orange/yellow, because the love
of the Trinity is the light of the world. The writing “IN SPE” is the motto of our Founders. In it is enclosed the
gift of the Spirit which Carlo and Giulia received in order to work for the
salvation of mankind and walk along the path of sanctity.