A Milestone marks the start of a new Chapter - Inauguration of the Province Animation Center-Maria Nivas ,1st Feb,2023
On 1st February, 2023 Mother Francesca Sarcia, the Superior General inaugurated 'Maria Nivas' - Animation Centre by cutting the ribbon and unveiled the plaque. It was blessed by Most.Rev.Bishop Thelagathoti Joseph Raja Rao, Bishop of Vijayawada. This building is a reminder of the power and love that God has shown to His people. Maria Nivas was the miracle of God and a dream came true.
The Marian Grotto designed in the form of A Light House which enshrines a beautiful statue of the Immaculate Conception and located just in front of the Animation Centre was blessed by His Lordship Bishop Joseph Raja Rao.
Workshop for the Young Sisters - 30th & 31st March,2023
The Education Core Committee of The Province of Immaculate Conception, Eastern India organized a two-day workshop on "Innovative and Creative teaching skills" for the young sisters at St. Ann’s Convent, Eluru. Rev. Fr. Neelam Naresh SDB was the resource person for this workshop.
Final 'Yes' to the Lord
Two of our Tertians' pronounced their final 'Yes' to the Lord through Perpetual Profession on 15th April, 2023 . It was a day of joy to the family of the Province of the Immaculate Conception.
Animation for the young Girls at Mangalapalem
The Community of Mangalapalem arranged an Animation program for the Young Girls on the theme " Spiritual Animation and Career Guidance" on 20th April,2023.Rev.Fr. Ramesh Y, Rev.Fr. Naresh N and Dr.Sr.Sunila Rani were the resource persons for this program.
Srujanotsavam - An Award Ceremony 22nd April,2023
A spirit of competition teaches children the importance of facing challenges instead of only carring out activities that they are comfortable with. Such competitive events open doors to innovation and exploration for the students to learn and grow.
The most awaited moment was the Award Ceremony, 22nd April 2023,which was observed as ‘Earth Day’.It was a day of rejoicing for the winners, especially the students of classes VIII to XII who travelled far and wide for the occasion.
Sr.Showrilu Kondaveeti, the Provincial Superior in her address said that this Inter-School Competition would always help them to collaborate, cooperate and to build relationships with humanity. She inspired the participants to compete enthusiastically, to believe in oneself and to give their hundred percent in whatever they do. It was indeed a true celebration of learning.
Juniors' Get together -24th April to 3rd May,2023
The Juniors' of the Province had a Get together from 24th April to 3rd May at St.Ann's Formation House, Eluru. They were given sessions on Prayer, Community Life and Mission.
Empowerment programme on Global Compact for Education 22nd April,2023
The Provincial Council organized a webinar for the Sisters and teachers. The guest speaker Rev.Fr.Sunny Jacob, SJ, who is also a part of the global team, enlightened and enriched them on the theme 'Global Compact'. It is an initiative launched by Pope Francis to foster a renewed commitment to the education of children and youth not only in the classrooms, but also in the families and the community.
Seminar on National Education Policy - 2020, 23rd April,2023
The Province Education Committee once again organized a seminar for the Principals of our Educational Institutions on the topic: To face the challenges in implementation of National Education Policy. The resource person, emphasized upon the intention about implementing the National Education Policy by the Government of India. The main focus was to impart ‘QUALITY EDUCATION TO ALL’. Also to shift from content based or rote learning to 'learner centric' and 'conceptual based learning'. The Sisters attended the seminar and found it extremely insightful and enriching.
Days of Communion with the Lord -"Retreats" , June to Oct, 2023.
The Province organized 5 Retreats for the Sisters of the Province along with the Mother Province - Central India. This special type of Retreats have strengthened the bonds of togetherness with one another above all with the Lord.
Animation Programmes - June to Oct,2023
The Provincial Superior along with her Council organized 5 Animation programmes for all the Sisters of the Province along with the retreats. They were given information and updates about the different Ministries of the Province - Education, Formation, Youth Animation, Financial Administration, Medicare, LASA ,Compassionate Ministry and General Plan of Formation of the Congregation.
Education Core Committee Meet, July 2023
The Province Education Core Group met on 30th and 31st July 2023 in St.Ann's Convent Nidadavole to discuss on various issues of our Educational Institutions and to plan for the forthcoming academic year.
Seminar for Vocation Facilitators - 12th Aug, 2023.
A One day Seminar was organized for all the Vocational Facilitators of the various communities of the Province.Rev.Fr.Bala Kumar, SJ enlightened the gathering about the challenges that Religious Congregations face today because of the lack of vocations and he also gave us tips on how to draw the young girls towards religious life.
Celebration of the Season of Creation-Sep 1st-4th Oct-2023
The Educational Institutions of Eastern Province, had the opportunity to celebrate the Season of Creation. Pope Francis’ Season of Creation is an important initiative and a special time of prayer and action that is to be taken for the Environment. It is Observed annually from 1st September to 4th October. He is a call for an 'ecological conversion', stressing the need for a change in individual and collective lifestyles to protect the environment and combat climate change, for God created fruit bearing plants, animals, water, sunshine and coolness of moon for all human beings to enjoy and live in harmony.
Online Meet for a LASA 10th Sep,2023.
A LASA meeting was held online to introduce the new Councilor in-charge and the Province coordinator for LASA. Sisters namely Sr.Hemalatha Dhanson, Sr.Mary Kumari and Sr.Sagar spoke on the Spirituality of our Founders. Our Provincial Superior encouraged the members that they need to be vibrant in living the Christian values and to be exemplary to the society in footsteps of our Founders.
'An Hour with my Guardian Angel' - 2nd Oct,2023.
LASA Meeting was held on virtual platform for all the members on the theme 'An hour with my Guardian Angel'. The meeting commenced with a short prayer and the Provincial Superior addressed the gathering. She spoke on the importance and guidance of the Guardian Angel in our lives. A few other members shared their experience of the guardian angel in the lives of the founder and their lives.
Medley of Melodies - 8th Oct,2023
Medley of Melodies was organized for all the Sisters of the Province on the Season of Creation. Each Community was asked to compose and present song on the theme Creation. All the Sisters participated very enthusiastically with a sportive spirit.
Competitions for Boarders - 8th & 11th Oct, 2023
A Singing and Dance competition for the Boarders was held. The children participated in solo singing, group singing and the group dance. Winners were awarded.
Webinar on Land Registration & Handling of Documents - 10th Oct,2023
The Finance Committee of the Province organized a webinar for all the Superiors, Principals and Financial Administrators at various levels on the topic "Land Registration and Handling of Documents" through Online platform. Dr.D.B.Ratnakar was the Resource person of this webinar who gave input and informative sessions and enlightened them on the current changes and the norms pertaining to land registration and handling of the doucments.
Seminar on Global Compact of Education- 18th Oct,2023
A One day Seminar was conducted for all the Headmistresses and Principals of the Province on "Global Compact of Education "at Maria Nivas, Gollapudi.Rev.Fr.Balakumar SJ was the Speaker of the day. He enlightened the gathering through his reflections and the challenges in the present educational scenario.
Launch of Mobile Clinic - 26th Oct, 2023
On the Feast of Divine Providence,a mobile clinic was launched. It is being carried out weekly in different
villages near and far within the vicinity of our Hospital and it has received a good response from the
Workshop for the KG Staff at Maria Nivas
On 9th and 10th November, 2023 the Education Ministry of the Province in collaboration with 'Integrated Pre-school Teacher Training Academy' organized a Two-day workshop on “Skills on enhancing early childhood education” at St. Ann’s Animation Center-Maria Nivas, Gollapudi. Mrs. Sonal Ravi Andrews and Mrs. Prasanna Kadiyala were the resource personnel of the workshop.
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
On 6th of December,2023 the Provincial Superior celebrated the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, through the Online Platform Connecting all the Sisters of the province. The Provincial Superior spoke on the Impact of our Blessed Mother in our lives. The 3 former Provincial Superiors shared on the significance of the Feast, the Virtues of our Blessed Mother and the Miracles of Mother Mary respectively. The youngest Sister from each Community shared their experience of Mother Mary in their lives.
Programme for LASA - 9th and 10th Dec,2023
A Two day programme was organized for the LASA Presidents, Secretaries and Spiritual directors of the LASA units of the Province at St.Ann’s Animation Center, Maria Nivas. Input sessions were given on the Church Documents, 'Amoris Laetitia' and Role of the Laity in the Church. It was followed by Christmas celebrations. There was a very good interaction among them. A Visit to the Shrine of our Lady at Gunadala was also arranged.
X IPCI Meet at Maria Nivas, Gollapudi - 29th Dec, 2023 to 1st Jan, 2024
The X IPCI Meet was held from 28th December 2023 to 1st January 2024 at St.Ann’s Animation Centre, Maria Nivas, Gollapudi. The Superior General, Mother Francesca Sarcia, Sr.Anitha Lobo, the Vicar General, the 5 Provincial Superiors of India and their teams with the Core Group Committees of Formation,Education,Medicare,Compassion Ministry, LASA and Finance were also present.