“Celebrating God’s fidelity” was the central theme that flowed right through all the events that were organised to mark the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of our fifteen Silver Stars coming from the five Indian Provinces- Central, North, South, East, and West.
Renewed and revived after a month long Course and retreat the celebrities were all set for their Silver Day festivities, scheduled for Sunday, 31st October, at St. Ann’s Convent, Gauravaram, Eluru. At the dot of 8.30 am the felicitation programme commenced with the Jubilarians being led in a dance procession to the Auditorium followed by the five Provincial Superiors. The highlight of this first part of the function was the deep sharing of their rich God experiences by the Sisters be it in their being called and chosen, or of the milestones that marked their quarter century journey with the Lord. Quite a few of them were emotionally moved recalling with gratitude the miracles and marvels the Lord worked in their lives which also touched to the core many in the audience.
But over and above all, was the Thanksgiving Eucharistic Celebration at 11.30 am. As always, never late, our main celebrant Most Revd. Bishop Jaya Rao Polimera was there well in anticipation to greet and bless our Sisters and the Provincial Superiors. The Sisters carrying potted rose plants of different hues symbolising their lives with roses and thorns yet always spreading the fragrance of God’s love walked down the aisle to the altar.
An eloquent and convinced speaker that our Lordship Jaya Rao is, he delivered a very soul-stirring and challenging homily inter-connecting the readings of the day with the significance of the occasion. It was no co-incidence that the readings had a strong message to convey to a band of consecrated persons looking at the past with gratitude and looking towards the future with Hope. Touching on the vowed life the Bishop challenged them to go out to the peripheries with greater zeal and commitment and to carry out the mission entrusted to each of them with passion, not relying on their titles, abilities and achievements but to go forward in faith and obedience believing the Lord is with them as promised and goes before them. The simple yet significant Eucharist was made more solemn by the soul-lifting singing of the Choir.
After a short felicitation for the dignitaries, followed the festive meal enjoyed by one and all. We are truly grateful to our Bishop Jaya Rao Polimera for gracing this occasion giving us the joy of his presence and making this red-lettered day a memorable one, for our dear Sisters hailing from different parts of our country.