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Provincial Chapter

Glimpses of The First Provincial Chapter
2nd Session
27th December 2021 - 4th January 2022
Gnana Deepalaya Formation House, Eluru


The Joy of Christmas time overwhelmed at Gnanadeepalaya Formation House Eluru as the Capitulars kept arriving from near and far.  Mother Ernestine, the Provincial Superior along with Srs. Donata and Theresa Jyostna arrived on 26th morning .Mother Ernestine welcomed all the Capitulars to the Second  Session of the Chapter 

                    The first to arrive at the break of the dawn were Sisters of Kurnool Communities. Then came the five wise virgins from the Chattisgarh Communities followed by the Sisters from the Communities of Nidadavolu,Vijayawada and Mangalapalem. The last to arrive in time for supper were the Sisters of Bhanjanagar. After a hearty meal, enjoying each others presence being tired after long journey, all retired to bed early.

In the Presence of the Lord

The day of recollection commenced with the orientation by Mother Ernestine for the 2nd Session of the First Provincial Chapter.

A video was played depicting the second wave of COVID-19, which claimed the lives of many of our near and dear ones. The natural calamities and the unexpected accidents, moved our beings, stirred our minds and kept our souls thanking the Lord for keeping each one of us safe during the raging pandemic.

Then we were led to the presence of the Lord to spend Qualitative time before His perpetual presence to draw  inspiration, guidance and strength from the Lord for the forthcoming Sessions of the Chapter.

Inaugural  Prayer Service:

A beautiful and meaningful prayer service was conducted by Mother Ernestine the Provincial Superior  and her team. It vibrated the feelings of oneness and togetherness in each of us.

 Official declaration Open of the 2nd  Session of the First Provincial Chapter 

The long awaited time for the opening of the 2nd Session of the First Provincial Chapter was officially declared open by Mother Ernestine the Provincial Superior. The Capitulars present expressed their joy and gratitude by clapping their hands.

The maternal blessings and wishes of Mother Francesca Sarcia the Superior General and the greetings of the other four Provincial Superiors of the Indian Provinces added joy to each one.

The dynamics of the 34th General Chapter were shared by Mother Ernestine and the four Capitulars of the General Chapter. It made the members to ruminate and live the glorious moments of the Chapter.

Holy Eucharist

The Holy Eucharist was celebrated at 6:30 pm by Rev Fr. Balaraju AAHF. In his homily he made us to interiorize the theme of the Chapter A family for families. He appreciated the theme as it is apt and relevant to the present scenario.

Lighter moments in togetherness

The members dispersed after spending an enjoyable lively recreation.


Morning dew drops of blessings

The day broke in silence with the outpouring of God’s blessings as we began the Morning Prayer. Superiors of the sixteen Communities carried lighted candles which they placed on the altar, representing their own respective Communities and their responsibility in carrying on  the mission of Christ.

The banquet of love

The heart of the day was the celebration of the Holy Eucharist by Rev: Fr.Bala Joji, the Rector of the P.I.M.E. Seminary. In his homily he pointed out the duplicity we often live in our relationships, our thoughts and opinions about the others are contrary to our words and actions.

Capitulars working in the Commissions

The Capitulars are oriented thoroughly on five Priorities by the President and Moderator of the Chapter. The Capitulars went into their respective Commissions to work further on the given Priorities.

Joy in togetherness

The Capitulars had fun filled moments at recreation forgetting their age.


Quiet moments in God’s dwelling place

On the winter morning, we felt the warmth of God’s love as the day’s Gospel was unravelled to us, taking us to the temple of Jerusalem to witness the prophetic life of Anna.

 At the Table of Communion

The celebrant of the day Rev.Fr. Bala Joji broke the Word of God. The homily stirred our hearts as we encountered the Lord in our life. He also said the more we love God, the more we will be happy, the more we love the world the more we will become slaves to it. He also asked the Capitulars to wait for the Lord as Anna did and to give due respect to elders.

Work in the General Assembly

The Capitulars worked seriously on the Strategies of the 5 Priorities of the 34th General Chapter to be lived  concretely in our reality at the Personal, Community and Province levels.

Peals of laughter

The Capitulars delighted in playing rib tickling games and enjoyed the relished moments of laughter and joy. 


Spiritual flavor for the day

 We entered the presence of the Lord with a note of thanksgiving and also to take the divine touch for the day. The prayer took us for a ride through 2021, rewinding and reminding us of the bygone year’s happenings.

A Meal at Christ's Table

The Holy Eucharist celebrated by Rev.Fr.Bala Joji, raised our hearts to thank God for the numerous blessings showered on us. He also invited us to see the many Antichrists’ such as anger, hatred, confusion and unforgiveness, which  hinder us in becoming representatives of Christ.

Work in the Commissions

The Capitulars got into their respective groups to finalize the strategies of their respective Priorities assigned to them. Later the Secretaries of the Commissions presented the modified work carried out in the Commissions.

A Fraternal Encounter with the LASA Family

The four Local units of LASA-Eluru were warmly welcomed by the Capitulars of the Provincial Chapter to have a fraternal encounter with them. After a meaningful prayer service, sumptuous tea and lively games, Mother Ernestine in her message clearly explained to them, the nature, core and importance of the Chapters in our religious family. She also highlighted the role of the LASA. Their lively participation, interactions, sharing and suggestions, above all their presence with us created history in the annals of the Province.

Crossing the Jordan

At  recreation the Sisters had a good journey of crossing the river Jordan along with  roars of laughter and joy.


With the Lord at the dawn of 2022

 At the dawn of 2022, we started to write a new page in the  book of our life, with the scriptural promises received from God through a book mark given at  the morning prayer .

Celebration of Communion

The  First Holy Eucharist of the New Year was celebrated by Rev.Fr.Michael SCJ. In his homily he invited us to reflect on the life of Mother Mary –The Mother of God. He also made us to ponder and reflect on the qualities of our beloved Mother exhorting us to move from Hostility  to Hospitality, from Futility to Fidelity, from Iniquity to Inferiority.

Work in the Commissions

The Capitulars gathered in their respective Commissions to discuss the Local Statutes.  Later the  Capitulars gathered in the Chapter Hall, the President of the Chapter Mother Ernestine gave a brief introduction about the work carried out earlier to draw up the present  Local Statutes for the Eastern Province, which need to be discussed.

Relaxing Moments

The Capitulars enjoyed relaxing moments which took away  their tiredness .


Following the Star –Finding the King of the Universe

The solemnity of the manifestation of the Lord was made prayerful and memorable with the visit of the Magi. The atmosphere made us spiritually travel to adore the Lord and King of Kings wrapped in swaddling clothes.

Communion with the Divine

The Solemn Holy Eucharist was significant as Fr.Bala Joji PIME highlighted the concept of the star and he asked us to become guides in showing  others the way to Jesus. He also asked us to make our lives as genuine gifts to God and others.

Work in the General Assembly

The Capitulars gathered in the Chapter Hall for the discussion on various issues of the Province in its varied apostolate. The thought provoking discussions at length made every Capitular to contribute their suggestions, views and strategies for the proposals and issues.

Laughter and Relaxation

The Capitulars enjoyed  participating in different styles of cat walking with  contagious laughter.


In the Fragrance of God’s Presence

The beauty and fragrance of  flowers created a pleasant atmosphere for Morning Prayer  as we offered them as our gratitude to God for leading and guiding us throughout the Chapter Deliberations.

Celebration of the Supper of the Lord

Fr.Bala Joji the Celebrant of the Holy Eucharist drew our attention on two important key words Repent and Reconcile .In his homily he said it is easy and flexible for us to repent for our sins, indifferences, negligences but it’s very difficult for one to reconcile with people who offend us, the events that left scars in our lives and to restore  broken relationships.

Sacred moments of the Chapter

The President of the Chapter Mother Ernestine instructed and guided the Capitulars about the process of voting and reminded us the sacredness of voting. Then the Capitulars after reading and re-reading the strategies of all the Priorities and Local Statutes, consciously and willing voted for them.


Chords of Gratitude-Bonds of Communion

As one family of the Province we played the chords of gratitude to God the Almighty for His unending Presence that was felt throughout our  Chapter journey  and implored His blessings  for our future ride on God’s ferris wheel (Ezekiel  10:1-18), to live the Chapter moments gratefully  in the realities of our lives and mission.

The Sisters were welcomed to take part in the ride of :

God’s ferris wheel of thankfulness, of blessedness,  of grace, of holiness, of   faithfulness,   of surprises,  of dreams,  of Providence, of Mercy,  of Synodality and   of fraternity.


Celebration of the Solemn moments of the Chapter

The Capitulars gathered to celebrate the final moments of the Chapter. The assembly invoked the assistance of the Holy Spirit and symbolically passed a lighted candle from one Capitular to another. Finally the President of the Chapter Mother Ernestine placed the candle before the statue of the Immaculate Conception, promising that  together we carry the light of Christ to the dark corners of the world, lighting the families with the joy and happiness of Christ-The true Light of the world. Each capitular also entrusted themselves and the Province to her maternal affection and protection.

The solemn event of the Chapter was the 
Oath taking by the Capitulars promising that each member would seriously and sincerely abide by the Strategies and Local Statutes that were deliberated upon and approved by the Chapter.

"We the Capitulars of the First Provincial Chapter commit ourselves to the best of our ability to implement the strategies of all the six Priorities at the Personal, Communitarian and Province level and to conscientiously abide by the Local Statutes, so that it makes our lives fruitful, credible and Prophetic."

 Closing of the Second Session of the  First Provincial Chapter

 Mother Ernestine the President of the Chapter officially declared closed the Second Session of the First Provincial Chapter. The members as a response broke into loud applause.

Thanksgiving meal at Christ's banquet

 The Capitulars with grateful hearts gathered together around the table of God to celebrate their thanksgiving to the Lord for the happenings, the new beginnings for walking with us. Rev.Fr.Michael the Parish Priest of Amalodhobavi Cathedral –Eluru celebrated the thanksgiving Holy Mass.

 A strong placement is possible only on a strong basement. Believing in this statement the Capitulars together symbolically carried  bricks to build  families of love, hope, forgiveness and joy in their respective apostolate. A Family is a life jacket in the stormy sea of life. The roof is a life jacket for the family to protect, to guard, to defend, to direct, to filter, to facilitate and above all a shelter for refuge. The anchor of the Province of Immaculate Conception  and roof  of the house was carried by Mother Ernestine along with her Coulliors who  through  their directions and guidance help the Communities to face every test and tempest, every trial and temptation to live according to the  spirit and the Charism of the Institute. During the offertory seven Superiors representing the seven Dioceses in which our Communities exist, carried seven candles promising that in Communion and Synodality with the Church, we would journey ahead in building and bringing joy to families and being a family for families.

In his homily Rev.Fr.Michael appreciated the Capitulars for their service to the Church and to the people of God. It is right time he said to bring joy to the families suffering due to unexpected natural calamities, death of near and dear ones etc.

Province of the Immaculate Conception
First Provincial Chapter
28th December 2019 - 3rd January2020
Gnana Deepalaya Formation House, Eluru 

Members By Right
1. Mother Ernestine Fernandes
2. Sr. Showrilu Kondaveeti
3. Sr. Leesamma Philip
4. Sr. Margaret Thiruvidula
5. Sr. Hemlata Dhanson
6. Sr. Theresa Jyostna Sali
7. Sr. Donata Medabalimi
8. Sr. Monica Francis
9. Sr. Marietta D'Mello
10. Sr. Mercy Punnamchira
Elected Representatives
11. Sr. Marietta Pudota
12. Sr. Rakkini Mangarpu
13. Sr. Lourdu Mary Mallavarapu
14. Sr. Thresiamma Gracy Olikara
15. Sr. Ann Mary Cherukuri
16. Sr. Mary Kumari Koppula
17. Sr. Nirmala Kumari Bhutaraju
18. Sr. Chinna Theresamma Chattumala
19. Sr. Catherine Kappiyil
20. Sr. Anastasia Johan Lakra
21. Sr. Mary Rani Thota
22. Sr. Rosy Gervasis Kidengeth
23. Sr. Sunila Rani Pudota
24. Sr. Jemma Lakra
25. Sr. Kripa Alma Tirkey
26. Sr. Kumari Pushpa Peyyala
27. Sr. Prashanthi Rayapati
Observers for the Provincial Chapter
28. Sr. Susheela Vallepu
29. Sr. Mary Theresa Kindo
30. Sr. Aniyamma Parayakunnel
Provincial Chapter Report
Welcoming of the Capitulars
Mother Ernestine along with the Sisters and formees of the Gnana Deepalaya Formation House -Eluru, welcomed the Capitulars to the historical event of the First Provincial Chapter with joy and enthusiasm. It was a moment of great joy and excitement  to  gather as a family.
The Provincial Superior Mother Ernestine Fernandes oriented the Provincial Chapter Capitulars about the purpose, sacredness and seriousness of the great event of the First Provincial Chapter in the Province. She led us into the reflection and significance of the Chapter through silent recollection.
Day of quiet moments with the Lord
The awaited Chapter door was officially opened with reverence and honour by the President  of the Chapter Mother Ernestine .Each Capitular was called by their name and they responded saying: Here I am Lord, as they crossed the threshold and entered the Chapel. It was a heart touching moment to each one. The Holy hour of adoration was conducted by Mother Ernestine our Provincial Superior.
Inagural Prayer Service
At 4.30 pm the inaugural Prayer Service was conducted by Sr. Showrilu  and Sr. Sunila. The members of the Chapter were significantly anointed  with holy oil by Mother Ernestine and were led into the Chapter hall in a procession as the hymn to the Holy Spirit was played. Each Capitular was touched by prayer and their  hearts were raised to heaven and stretched to our Province as each animator of the Community placed the name of their respective Community in the form of a chain representing oneness of heart and mind as Sisters of St. Ann a Family for Families.
Declaration of the Provincial Chapter Opened
Mother Ernestine officially declared the First session of the First Provincial Chapter of the Province opened. The Capitulars expressed their joy by giving a round of applause. She then read the greetings and wishes of Mother Francesca Sarcia, Sr. Anna Maria Gamba, Provincial Superiors of Indian Provinces and the Italian Province.
Inaugural Holy Eucharist
The inaugural Holy Eucharist was solemnly celebrated by Most.Rev. Jaya Rao Polimera. Bishop of Eluru Diocese.

He invited us to rethink of our purpose of living our religious life as a family in these times of great challenge. He urged us to lay down our comforts and desires so as to lift up the daily duties, convinced of what we are doing, where we are going and not to forget the roots of our sources by being transparent, accountable and responsible religious, so that our life may be a prophetic witness to Christ.
Presentation of the Minutes of the Chapter
The sessions of the day began with the presentation of the Chapter Minutes by Sr.Mercy P. the Secretary of the Provincial Chapter.

Report of the Province of the Immaculate Conception
Eastern India-3-6-2018 to 31-12-2019
The Provincial Superior Mother Ernestine presented the first part of the report of the Province systematically and elaborately. Her presentation was followed by the report of the mission and ministry by the Provincial Councillors.  The Report of the Education ministry was presented by Sr. Showrilu K, Medicare by Sr. Margaret T, Compassionate Ministries and LASA by Sr. Hemlata D  and Vocation recruitment and Formation were presented by Sr. Leesamma K. The Financial status of the Province was presented by      Sr. Donata, the Financial Administrator. Mother Ernestine ended her report by placing before the Capitulars the successes, challenges and plans for the future of the Province.
Holy Eucharist
The Holy Eucharist was celebrated by Rev.Fr.Melchior Raja PIME. In his homily he advised us to be open to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit to take concrete and constructive decisions and deliberations for a deeper communion of love and peace in our Communities.

Group Discussion
The Capitular Commissions assembled in their respective groups to evaluate the Province report with the questions given by the President of the Provincial Chapter, Mother Ernestine Fernandes.

The Assembly examined and evaluated the report of the different groups. The Moderator of the Chapter Sr. Marietta D’Mello conducted the proceedings of the General Assembly. After the intensive discussion, the Assembly dispersed for the evening vespers.
How lovely is your dwelling place O Lord
The day began with the Lauds, invoking the Lord's name and imploring His heavenly blessings for the day’s programme .
Session I
The members of the Provincial Chapter gathered in the Chapter Hall for the day’s programme.
Sr. Jyostna assistant Secretary of the Chapter read the Minutes of the previous day. Then the Assembly dispersed for the Group work – Reading and sharing of the Lineamenta.

Celebrate God-The Holy Eucharist
Rev. Fr. Mariadas SSP celebrated the Holy Eucharist. In his homily he invited us to reflect on the criteria that makes a Family truly happy and joyful. Quoting the words of Pope Francis , he said –please, sorry and thank you are the wonder words to build happy families.
Group discussion & General Assembly

The Capitulars assembled in their respective Commissions for group work of reading and sharing the second and third themes of the Lineamenta. Then the reporting and discussion took place in the General Assembly.
31-12- 2019
 I have come to thee….. (Morning service)
The day began receiving the divine touch with the chorus of Tagore's Hymn : "I have come to thee to take thy touch before I begin my day". The Capitulars together recalled the wonderful ways in which God worked in their lives and sang hymns of thanksgiving to God of all time.

Holy Eucharist-The banquet of LOVE
The Holy Eucharist of the day was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Dr. Inje Paul. He reminded us and emphasized the fact that those who enjoy life more are those who communicate life to others and are the ones who make their Communities a happy place to live.


The sessions of the day started with the hymn on the words of St.Francis of Assissi. Through his intercession we asked God to make us Instruments of peace, messengers of love, transmitters of joy and carriers of hope in our Communities and in our work places. Sr Mercy P, the Secretary of the Chapter read the Minutes of the previous day.

Work on Instrumentum Laboris (Theme-1)

 The Capitulars worked seriously on the first theme, of the Instrumentum Laboris. Further in the General Assembly, the Secretaries of the four Commissions reported the observations. Then the Capitulars carried out the voting for the approval.

The day ended with the thanksgiving adoration to God Almighty being the end of the year 2019.
Lighter moments at Recreations.

The light of the New Year 2020 dawned with new hopes and new dreams for the Capitulars and in particular for the Province of Immaculate Conception to whose protection the Province is entrusted. Together the participants invoked Mary –Mother of God by praying the Lauds.

Sessions of the day

The Capitulars gathered in the Chapter Hall, for the days programme. The first session began by imploring the assistance of the Holy Spirit.

The Capitulars dispersed for the group work on Instrumentum Laboris. Theme-III.The members studied and reflected the theme. Then the Secretaries of the Commissions presented the observations made by their respective Commissions.

Work in the Assembly

The Moderator Sr.Marietta D’mello, led the Assembly for the discussions by inviting the Secretaries to report the observations of their Commissions.

Holy Eucharist –The visible blessings of the invisible Almighty God

Here we are at the end of the Chapter. The day broke song with hymns of thanks and songs of praise to the Almighty God for the successful completion of our First Provincial Chapter. Praying together the morning liturgy of the hours, the Capitulars raised their grateful hearts with thanksgiving to the Triune God.

General Assembly
Having completed the discussion on the three themes of the Instrumentum Laboris, the Assembly worked and made the additions, deletions and modifications with regard to the observations that emerged in the four Commissions. 

After the completion of discussion the Assembly entrusted themselves to the protection Mary Mother of God by praying the evening prayer meaningfully.


They’ll know we are Sisters by our love……

The fresh hours of the day were spent in praying together the morning Liturgy of the hours. Together we raised our voices singing the hymn they’ll know we are Sisters by our Love, which became the chorus of the day.

Holy Eucharist-the Summit of our Salvation

The Holy Eucharist was celebrated by Rev.Fr. Ravindra SCJ. In his homily he threw a challenge for us saying: Be convinced of the decisions you make now because it gives good news and good future to the new generations.

O give thanks to the Lord for He is good..
Here we are at the end of the Chapter. The day broke song with hymns of thanks and songs of praise to the Almighty God for the successful completion of our First Provincial Chapter. Praying together the morning liturgy of the hours, the Capitulars raised their grateful hearts with thanksgiving to the Triune God.

Concluding Bureaucratic Requirements
The Capitulars gathered together for the final session of the Chapter. Sr. Mercy P the Secretary of the Chapter read the Minutes of the day. Then the Assembly voted for each of the seven proposals that were presented.

The President of the Chapter, Mother Ernestine expressed her thanks for the collaborative efforts of different individuals and groups. She placed on record her sincere appreciation for all those who contributed in one way or another towards the meticulous planning, careful preparations and successful execution of the First session of the First Provincial Chapter. The house resonated with thanks and special appreciation to Mother Ernestine.
She then invited every Capitular to come forward and receive the souvenir of the Chapter and blessed every individual to live the Chapter in our lives and in our mission.The Assembly gave thanks to God through a hymn and proceeded to the Chapel to continue with the thanksgiving Holy Eucharistic Celebration.

Holy Eucharist
Rev. Fr. Aman Raja, the Parish Priest of Amalodbhavi Cathedral celebrated the concluding Mass. Sr. Showrilu K the Vicar of the Province gave an  introduction for the symbolic four trees placed on the Sanctuary and thanked God for His immense presence throughout the Chapter. The Capitulars carried in procession the symbols of love, hope, joy and peace and placed them on the four trees in the Sanctuary, while Mother Ernestine carried the Logo of the Chapter to the Altar.

Fr. Aman Raja in his homily appreciated us for our unity in diversity. He also invited us to think whether we are people of Paradise or people of Exile. He exhorted us to live in love, humility, forgiveness giving hope and joy to people in our Communities and in our work places.

With hearts filled with gratitude the Capitulars had lunch and set out for their respective Communities, glad to carry with them happy memories of the fraternity and fellowship experienced and the joy of being one family and of belonging to the family of the Sisters of St. Ann of Providence.